20 Apr 2023

We covered the Quick Featured Images plugin above in this article. Here, you can set everything for the Open Graph sharing protocol, yet specific unique traits for Facebook only. Here, enable the Display featured image option. Weve outlined both common and uncommon problems with featured images. The theme doesnt allow for featured images, or you have to turn them on through the theme settings. However, youre usually going to opt for the one titled Replace featured images by the selected image. This allows you to upload an image that will replace as many current featured images as you want. Luckily, as WordPress has evolved, the errors have become a little less ambiguous, making it somewhat easier to determine their cause. Getting back to the featured images, its not set by default to show featured images from blog posts when you put the Latest Posts block into a page. To add content to your homepage, and to adjust the settings for the blog feed on that page, go to Pages > All Pages in the dashboard. To edit featured images in WordPress, open a post and scroll to the Featured Images section in the Post Settings panel. Whats more, several settings are now available to make the featured images look professional. We dont recommend trying to enlarge an image as itll only make it blurry. If a featured image isnt assigned to a post, it will show a blank space in its block instead. Creating a website with stunning content to find that featured images dont show is both frustrating and potentially harmful to your brand. Another specific Open Graph module from this plugin is for Twitter. Note: Featured images get pulled from WordPress and populated on social media sites with the use of something called Open Graph. You can insert a Cover block anywhere in a post or page, not just at the beginning. We often encounter people who want that featured image and simply thought that the content editor was the place to put it. This means you can upload several featured images and choose which one of them gets shown on different parts of your website. The featured image has its own section for uploading, away from the content editor. The following block of code is what you can insert (or look for) in the functions.php file: Lazy Loading serves as one of the many methods used for optimizing images to improve site performance. Open the Media Library in your WordPress dashboard Select the desired image Uncheck the box Protect this file in the attachment details Fix Images not Showing in Media Library You might suffer a nightmare when there are no images available in the WordPress Media Library. Now that you have the featured images ready, get sharing! This means that youve turned off a setting on your dashboard to reveal the Featured Images column. You can reach out to your current hosting provider and ask them to expand the PHP limit. Fix Featured Image Not Showing on a Blog Post Gallery Page 7. That means you cant simply take any photo and expect it to look great as a featured image. I felt I should post it here for those having same issues. For instance, you might consider including things like the Site Name and Post Title but not having the URL. Yoast SEO is another SEO plugin that includes social sharing features and options to enable/disable the Open Graph functionality. One way to ensure your featured image field is never empty is to set a default featured image for all posts. Clicking on that brings you directly to the WordPress Media Library. The Featured Image column should now appear in your list of posts or pages. Now, go to your Facebook page (personal or business) and paste a link with a featured image into the Status field. Click Upload to upload the image from your computer or click Select Media to choose an . Theyre vital to help your post or page move up the rankings. The Open Graph protocol is automatically activated for all WordPress posts and pages. The new dimensions are also listed on the right side of the pop-up window. Regardless of whether setting a proper alt text for images helps with SEO, you should do it anyway for accessibility reasons. If its not there, click the Screen Options tab and mark the Featured Image checkbox to reveal it in the editor. Therefore, Kinsta bans the majority of Open Graph plugins as they can cause conflicts. We usually recommend editing an image before uploading it as a featured image (third-party editing tools have more advanced features). This brings up the Media Library, from where you can choose an image to serve as your Default Featured Image. Problematic WordPress themes or plugins. The following screenshot shows a post working well on Facebook since it includes a summary of the post content, with a link, the title, and the featured image. Wrong file permission or ownership. Click the + Block Inserter icon to add a new block. Hence, this issue is exclusive to those using it. You have the option to choose one and click the Set Featured Image button. Again, check to see if the featured images are showing up after all plugins are deactivated. This means that as you move the crop box, and it sticks to the aspect ratio. You may find that the theme coding doesnt support a featured image. You should avoid stuffing keywords just because you want to. The only time youll find that its okay to share an image on your website for free is when you pull from a website like Pexels or Unsplash. Here are some general rules to follow before uploading your featured image: Another tactic for finding and setting the perfect featured image size is to visit the Media section of your WordPress dashboard. For simplicity, well stick to uploading featured images to regular WordPress posts and pages but if youre interested in learning more, heres a complete WooCommerce SEO guide that covers this & everything else, including Schema Markup up for your products and more. The Crop tool reveals a square within the preview thumbnail, asking you to click and drag the crop box so that it gets to the exact dimensions you desire. Think about using a default featured image plugin to fill in the blanks and list temporary or permanent featured images when you forget to do so. Click on the Preferences menu (the three vertical dots at the top right). Although automating the process isnt for everyone, there are tricks to ensure that a WordPress featured image is always shown for posts and pages, minimizing the chance that an author forgets to upload one. However, only the front-page.php file shows the image. Again, Kinsta bans many Open Graph plugins, including this one. This button has disappeared for me on WordPress. An even page header\footer. After that, youre able to insert the new version of that image into a post, page, as a featured image, or wherever you want it to show on your site. Essentially, this plugin suits those struggling to decide which featured image to use, or when one featured image makes sense at the beginning of the article, but another one looks better in a sidebar. As promised, three choices appear when uploading an image through a Kinsta-hosted website: Choose one based on whether or not you have your own photos and where theyre stored. The Thumbnail size is the featured image shown in other parts of your website, outside of the post itself. Lets take a look at the basic differences between cover and featured images. For instance, you may want to revamp your homepage completely, and its easier to just make an entirely new page instead of editing the current one. Choose the Facebook option and scroll down to locate the field to Enable Open Graph Markup. Incorrect references in image URLs. We recommend you follow these steps to ensure youre doing it the right way. This code snippet is a reference to your featured image. At some point, you may realize that several old posts could use new featured images. Yet, we should all take our time when deciding on a featured image, seeing as how its the book cover of the post thatll get people to pick it up and read. The Featured Image from URL, or FIFU, plugin allows you to take an external image and use it as a featured image for a post or page. This way, youre not limiting your sites resources with too many large photos. Search for the Cover block and click to add it. This lists various settings for the entire post and can also reveal Block-specific settings if you have a WordPress Gutenberg block currently selected. If you find that its missing, follow the next few steps to activate it. If youre going with this route, we recommend an image compression plugin that automatically shrinks and optimizes all images uploaded to WordPress, such as Optimole or Imagify. Do you have to have a certain plugin to have it show up? For instance, the Image Size field tells your website how large to make those featured images in the list or gallery. The whole point of a featured image is to serve as a visual introduction to the article, much like a title, and the first paragraph of an article provides previews to the reader of what they can expect to read. Then well go deeper into other errors. Overall, the Default Featured Image plugin has some simple tools for adding a default featured image with a buttons click. Once on the Developers Debug Tool page, find the Sharing Debugger tab, and paste the URL in question. Kinsta Hosting already offers Open Graph support, along with the possibility to control this using Yoast SEO. Scroll down in the Block settings tab to view the options available. Hence, many hosts, and WordPress itself, define a maximum upload file size. This article shows you how you can fix WordPress featured images not showing properly on your website. A column called Featured Image is supposed to appear after the Post Date. There are two solutions to this. As an alternative, the Media Library also has a tab to Upload Files, where you select from the files on your computer and upload them to your WordPress Media Library. For example, you might complete an action with multiple pages. Simply, the above code is informing WordPress that if someone opens the page, which is 'about' then WordPress will display a file called header-about.php if it is existing. Scroll through the list of pages to locate the one you assigned as the Homepage. However, you may find that the theme has removed featured images in the coding, and it doesnt have any additional tools to override the lack of featured images. You can fix it by following these instructions: By submitting this form: You agree to the processing of the submitted personal data in accordance with Kinsta's Privacy Policy, including the transfer of data to the United States. Incorrect permalink setup. You may see a simple list of links, along with descriptions from those posts. The set dimensions dictate the maximum dimensions youll see on your website for the given image sizes. The function get_header is used for calling a new header file. The plugin also has a wonderful native search engine that pulls from places like Google, Pixabay, and Unsplash. If not, how do you go about fixing that problem? This is done by using the align feature. Go to the post in question, click on the Share to Facebook link, and see if the featured image appears in the pop-up window. Pay for photos on sites like Shutterstock and iStockPhoto. Youve noticed something wrong with one, or all, of your featured images. Open your site in MyKinsta. Go to Posts > Add New to create a new blog post. Best regards . Click the Background Image section of the Customizer panel. The last page presents the bulk edit results, with details about the posts that now have new featured images. I checked several of your other pages and do not see any with narrower header images like on that page, so I've limited this change to only that specific page by using its unique page id CSS class from the opening body html tag. Some other buttons that appear include the Select Image, Replace Image, and Remove Featured Image. Theres a long list of settings to mess around with, so its entirely up to you. You would usually find the featured image right below the title and above the first line. In general, a cover image is far more customizable directly from the WordPress dashboard than a featured image. Remove the selected image as the featured image. The block is called Latest Posts. Therefore, we recommend checking your themes support for featured images. Problems with featured images stem from various problems. It uses a widget and shortcode, both of which ask which of the featured images youd like to display whenever implementing one of the tools. Its also a good idea to make adjustments to child themes instead of the core WordPress files. Your dashboard settings could have the featured image fields completely turned off. Click the Remove Block option at the very end of the list. It does this by halting the loading of images on a page until they come into view on the screen. Theres no reason to go into troubleshooting mode if your featured images and post content all come up fine on Facebook when the post gets shared. If the featured image fails, you know which plugin is causing the problem. Its also possible that you would like to replace a certain category of post or page to all have the same featured image, whether thats a professionally designed image that indicates the article is for a tutorial or maybe for putting your logo a relevant image on all webpages. Open the post or page in the editor. Make sure its on the Block settings tab. Go to its Post Settings panel and open the Featured Image section. The Ixion theme supports featured images on single Posts and Pages. With the OG plugin activated, you should now see the post information and the featured image in the preview. Going with the Media Library reveals whatever images youve already uploaded to WordPress. Youll see a message that tells you the Image Saved. Besides, the featured images for each post should be shown above the post title and link. Scroll down on that panel and open the Featured Image dropdown item. Tell us about your website or project. Returning back to the original page, the image suddenly shows up. Next up, click on the Facebook Open Graph tab. However, we usually recommend clicking the Select Image button, as that provides a few extra choices for deciding on a source for the featured image. The new cover shows up in the editor preview, and you can also edit the blocks settings on the right-hand panel. For this section, well show you how to activate the Open Graph markup with two of the most popular SEO plugins: AIO (All In One) SEO and Yoast SEO. There are several reasons for images to disappear from WordPress. Along with activating the Open Graph for all social networking sites, this plugin has the added advantage of including Twitter tags to improve your Twitter sharing results. Scroll down to the area called Image Settings. The Pexels collection isnt much different from your Media Library, except you have the luxury of finding beautiful photos without having to take them yourself. Youre better off editing a photo to meet those suggested dimensions before uploading it to WordPress. Simply having a header.php in your theme's folder will not output your header to the browser. After all, a post shared on Facebook with no image wont gain much traction. It can also prevent people from sharing your work, considering its not all that appealing to share a blog post on Facebook that doesnt have a featured image. We hope this guide helped you troubleshoot the common problems with featured images not showing on WordPress. Allow Featured Image for Viewing 6. Another way to see your featured image is to create Recent Post galleries or feeds to your blog, usually elsewhere on your website. Or maybe they include colorful animations while still representing whats in the posts. Its easy to grab a quick image that relates to the article just to save time. Check out how this strategy can help get your blog get more traffic. Then, select the Post (or Page if editing a page) tab to reveal the posts settings. Participant. The .header-img is a common css class in WordPress themes. A Cover block, in contrast, is housed in the Gutenberg Block Library, which is accessible by clicking on an Add Block button in the editor. To add the featured images, click on the Latest Posts block. But didn't notice the header image was missing from the desktop view until today. Featured images break for various reasons, and its often on a case-by-case basis. After entering the code, click the 'Save Changes' button. One of the last areas to consider for the Featured Image section (in the Latest Posts block) is the number of items you show in the block and how many columns make up the block. 2023 Kinsta Inc. All rights reserved. If youre still having problems, go to SEO > Social in the WordPress dashboard. Some of WordPress built-in image editing features include: The Crop tool is usually the most important, so click on that to activate the edit module. Theres also an Image Alignment setting to indicate if the images should slide to the right, center, or left. Some non-WordPress image editing tools you can use are GIMP, Photoshop Express, and Paint.NET. To fix the situation, find and click on the Screen Options tab in the dashboards upper right-hand corner. Regardless, the best course of action is to follow these steps: An interesting thing about featured images is that some WordPress themes may not support them. For the AIOSEO plugin, navigate to the All in One SEO menu and click on the Social Networks tab. The only thing to do next is to review and publish the post. Its also possible to locate all images on your WordPress site by going to the Media Library. Scroll down to find a new field called Default Featured Image. You can upload as many images as youd like while also choosing which featured image should display in certain areas and how big those images should be. You should now see a thumbnail of that image for all posts that dont have featured images already uploaded. WordPress added the Cover block to its Gutenberg editor only recently. This selects the entire block and reveals settings for that block in the right-side panel. You have to call the header too. You have the option to crop the featured image thumbnail to the exact dimensions. It tells WordPress to display the featured image in the templates exact location. I disabled it , proved it worked, then enabled it to test and noticed that when enabling it again, this time it had automatically added in the new websites into the exceptions list and now everything works again!! However, you still may see a vague error, as the following HTTP error. message. Because of this, a cover image is part of the post or page itself, and not separated like a featured image. Where do you go from here? A big part of making sure featured images look right is to understand the best practices before uploading them to your WordPress site. It seems there is a conflict with your theme because I have tried to add an image header but it doesn't show at all.

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